Breaking Free from Traditional Donor Segmentation: A Modern Approach for Nonprofits
For decades, nonprofits have relied on traditional donor segmentation—grouping supporters into static categories like “new donors” or[...]
All Notes
September 1, 2020
Marketing for SaaS and the products themselves are not simple things. Given the complexity of the industry, social media and the[...]
August 13, 2020
Sometimes a new channel, platform, or tool comes along in the business world that you just know is here to stay. At least for a while.[...]
B2B Marketing August 4, 2020
The cameras are rolling around here at Lake One. While we don’t have our own personal glam teams (yet), we do have everything else we need[...]
Account Based Marketing July 23, 2020
If you’re in any type of sales or marketing role, chances are you’ve heard of account based marketing or ABM for short. It’s almost[...]
B2B Marketing July 15, 2020
If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, did it make a sound? If a great SaaS product is created and there’s no[...]
B2B Marketing July 8, 2020
It’s nearly impossible to talk about marketing strategy today without discussing the benefits of marketing automation and the important[...]
Sale and Marketing Alignment July 2, 2020
Making a case for sales enablement isn’t always the easiest thing to achieve, but once you secure that buy-in, measuring the success of[...]
June 11, 2020
When it comes to email marketing for startups, there are five things we recommend considering before hitting that send button. These ideas[...]
Marketing in a Crisis May 28, 2020
COVID-19 has had a profound impact on all of us. In the business world, one area hit especially hard is the world of event marketing. From[...]