Breaking Free from Traditional Donor Segmentation: A Modern Approach for Nonprofits
For decades, nonprofits have relied on traditional donor segmentation—grouping supporters into static categories like “new donors” or[...]
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Manufacturing January 5, 2021
Manufacturers tend to excel at digital transformation on the manufacturing floor. When it comes to finding areas to improve manufacturing[...]
Account Based Marketing August 19, 2020
Nearly 70% of companies engaged in account based marketing programs are using email as a key channel and close to 60% label it as an[...]
Manufacturing July 29, 2020
Marketing and selling to b2b buyers continue to become an ever more complex landscape. For manufacturers, the complexities of product and[...]
B2B Marketing July 22, 2020
B2B marketers are flush with myriad data points to measure and report on. The problem is – most of them don’t mean shit to your P&L. For[...]
lead generation HubSpot July 9, 2020
You did it! Your site traffic is growing. Your blogging, social media, and offline brand development are all working. You kick back, relax,[...]
B2B Marketing Manufacturing June 25, 2020
B2B buying is growing ever more complex. From 2016 to 2018 the number of stakeholders involved in a purchase decision jumped from 6.8 to[...]
B2B Marketing April 28, 2020
The website plays one of the most pivotal roles in business-to-business marketing for technology companies and manufacturing businesses.[...]
HubSpot April 21, 2020
Two things we love here at Lake One. Startups and HubSpot. Startup marketing has a special place in our heart. Most of our team has had a[...]
Company March 26, 2020
Running a remote marketing firm provides a lot of benefits for our team and our clients. But having a team working from home most or all of[...]
lead generation March 24, 2020
Over the last decade, lead generation for manufacturers and industrial organizations has transformed. While the industry is still heavily[...]