Get to Know Meredith Garner
Please help us in welcoming Meredith Garner to the Lake One team as our newest Account Manager.
“The team has been so kind. It’s been a really inviting atmosphere, everyone made the adjustment smooth sailing,” said Meredith. “Coming into a new job, you never know what to expect but Lake One has been nothing short of gracious”
Meredith is joining us from EmoryDay, where she was a Digital Account Manager who acted as the primary lead for client accounts. From managing clients to content creation and web design, Meredith has accumulated a wide breadth of knowledge in nearly five years in digital marketing and advertising.

In order to get to know Meredith a little better we sat down with her and asked her 10 burning questions. Let’s take a look:
L1: Do you have any hidden talents?
Meredith: I like to write, sing and dance. I am really good at memorizing things and public speaking. Honestly, any sort of aspect where you are presenting in front of a crowd.
L1: When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
Meredith: I wanted to be a popstar like Britney Spears. I even had a pink headset like her. My parents bought me an inflatable stage and, of course, I forced my whole family to watch my show.
L1: Where’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
Meredith: Miami, I love it, it’s gorgeous there’s so much to do and see. Also the food is great. Who can beat eating in the sun with some palm trees in the background?
L1: Who inspires you?
Meredith: My mom, she is the nicest person I have ever met in my life. I am very thankful she is my example of a role model.
L1: What are you most proud of thus far in your career?
Meredith: My ability to multitask and remain organized. Also keeping calm when I’m really stressed, that’s probably my best ability.
L1: What can you not live without?
Meredith: Coffee. I love my coffee, I look forward to drinking it every morning.
L1: If you could choose a theme song for your life what would it be?
Meredith: I really like the song “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing” by Stevie Wonder. It was my go-to song in college whenever I was really stressed out.
L1: If you could witness any past, present or future event what would it be?
Meredith: Where the women’s right movement took place, when they were protesting. I would love to be there in action.
L1: If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Meredith: Build a rocket and go to space. I find space exploration so cool and unknown. I guess oceans have the same vibe where we don’t know what’s going to happen in the deep depths, so either of those.
L1: If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
Meredith: This is tough, I would probably want to climb to the top of Mount Everest and jump off the mountain because why not.
“We are happy to welcome Meredith to Lake One! She’s a great team player and passionate about helping clients,” said Rachael Cecko, Sr. Director of Client Services at Lake One. “Her can-do attitude and agency background is valuable for her role and we’re looking forward to future contributions!”
We are so excited to have Meredith onboard. We can’t wait to watch her continue to grow and thrive in her new role. Welcome to our world of Digital Outfitters, Meredith!