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4 Essential Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency • Lake One ®

Written by Ryan | Jan 10, 2019 10:18:30 AM

Bolstering an existing marketing program or starting from scratch can be a heavy lift, but you don’t have to go it alone. Joining forces with a digital marketing agency might be the best option for achieving your goals. Here are four benefits of partnering up.

Learn how to pick the best digital marketing agency for your company with our guide! 

Benefit of Experience

Chief among the benefits of working with an outside resource is experience. But not the kind you might be thinking. It’s not that they know everything. Be wary of anyone who sells themselves as the grand poobah of marketing and sales and guarantees results. When it comes to the world of today’s modern buyer, the expectations of shoppers change fast and even faster – the tools, technology, and channels used to attract and convert opportunities for growth driven brands evolve.

However, partners gain experience across a diverse set of industries and learn to optimize the sales and marketing process. They can lean on what’s worked to inform your program and overcome hurdles to growth.

Working with someone who has been in the trenches gives you a competitive advantage from starting at zero.

Comprehensive Planning

All agencies should start by putting together a plan. The plan should be founded in research and architected to support your company’s goals. That’s not to say the plan won’t change based on performance, but often organizations struggle with getting a plan and sticking with it long enough for performance to dictate changes. Knowing that there is a set of monthly activities develops a cadence and consistency that’s crucial to success in building marketing momentum and growing growth traction. 

Additional Resources

As previously noted, there is a lot of ongoing work involved in getting a marketing and sales enablement program off the ground. Digital marketing agencies are skilled at scaling programs and driving efficiency. They do this through resource management, planning, and coordination. Whether resources from their team or partner network, working with a consultant brings more resources to your sales and marketing effort and increases the likelihood of success.

When you’re ready to interivew prospective agencies, here are a few questions to ask them.


To build a team of marketing and sales experts, whether its technologists who manage the automation and CRM programs or marketing specialists who create the content that fuels the machines – can get expensive. With outside an outside consultant you get the scaled benefit of shared costs across clients.

Not to mention, the cost of a bad hire can be brutal. If you’re not in the market to build a marketing team yet. It might make more sense to look to a combination of fractional leadership like a fractional CMO who can manage the high-level planning and coordination of sales and marketing needs combined with a strategic implementation partner around digital activation.


The decision to hire a digital marketing agency is a big one and it’s no secret that you have options. Regardless of where you are at in your marketing journey, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us here.