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4 Account Based Marketing Email Examples To Inspire You • Lake One ®

Written by Ryan | Aug 19, 2020 1:54:33 PM

Nearly 70% of companies engaged in account based marketing programs are using email as a key channel and close to 60% label it as an important channel to their ABM effort. So what kind of emails are account-based marketers sending? We’ve gathered the most effective account based marketing email examples and will unpack the strategy behind each

ABM Email Example: Gifting

One ABM email strategy that’s taking off is the use of gifting to catch your target’s attention. Take this example from Marketo.

It serves a dual function between a gift or a donation to a cause that the recipient cares about. Does gifting work? According to Sendoso’s 2020 State of Sending Report nearly ⅓ of senders reported an increase in close rates from sending and almost 75% of senders saw an increase in opportunity creation. Among the top items being sent: Coffee, Experiences, and eGift Cards.

Account Stage: In this example, it’s clearly designed to get attention and engage a new account. However, gifting could be used across the lifecycle. It could be a great way to onboard and welcome a new client for example.

ABM Email Example: Personalized Video

Another account based marketing email example I’ve been seeing a lot of is the 1:1 personalized video, like this one from Lately.

There are a couple of things working really well here. First of all, the copy. It’s not boring. You can definitely feel the sender’s energy. We can debate about the use of all the “o’s” in so and all the exclamation points – but I remember this email. Most of the emails I get – I don’t recall. Second, a video created for me. If you aren’t currently using video for sales and marketing, get on it. Emails with the word “video” in the subject are 8X more likely to be opened.

Account Stage: This example is also attempting to garner first engagement with a new account – however, use of 1:1 video can be used across multiple lifecycle stages. There are plenty of opportunities to incorporate video into sales from prospecting to renewal.

ABM Email Example: Lunch

This email is in the same vein as gifting but deserves a separate call out. Team lunches have a unique opportunity to drive comradery, so getting a team lunch “on the house” to watch a webinar or hear a sales pitch, there’s definitely something to that. Here’s an example of how this played out in an ABM email from Sharpspring.

Account Stage: Another example of initial account engagement, but this tactic could also be very beneficial for onboarding and renewals, particularly when in-person meetings are harder to arrange.

ABM Email Example: News Alert

An ABM email that comes over from traditional prospecting tactics that I love is news alerts. Setting up alerts with Google to monitor the happenings at your target accounts can give you an opportunity to personalize your ABM email. For example, the following email I received after Lake One was named to the Twin Cities Business list of top LGBT owned businesses.

Account Stage: Another example of initial account engagement, but this tactic could also be great for re-engaging an opportunity that has stalled.

Key Takeaways on Account Based Marketing Emails

What all of the emails have in common is a hyper focus on personalization. I’m not talking just “Hello first name”. Each email reaches beyond personalization tokens and tries to find a way to connect with recipients in a way that’s more powerful than just using a name or company data point in the copy. From videos to gifts, account based marketing emails strive to drive high value into the inbox and as a result into the overall ABM program.

I’ll continue to update this post with additional emails I come across. If you have a sample you think should be included reach out to us on social media.

New to ABM and not sure if it’s a fit for you? Find out with our ABM Assessment.